Cyber Criminals are using various malicious tools for cyber-attacks based on the target’s strength to infiltrate the sensitive data and more often nowadays Publicly Available Hacking Tools are mainly used by threat actors for various attacks around the world. Here we can see the top most used 4 publicly available hacking tools by threat actors [1]:

· China Chopper

· Mimikatz

· PowerShell Empire

· HUC PacketTransmitter

Those tools are a well-known type of [2]

· Webshells

· Credential Stealers

· Lateral movement frameworks

· Command and control (C2C) obfuscators

LOGTITAN NG-SIEM detect those hacking tools and create alert to inform what is going on the remote system.

LOGTITAN uses learned behavior as a baseline and detects if any learned activity detected.

Each attack type analyzed and attack behavior like loaded DLLs and the sequence of requests are used to create a bad behavior baseline. Than LOGTITAN searched for this baseline to detect attacks

Detecting 4 Most Commonly Used Hacking Tools

Figure 1. List of DLLs that are used as a baseline to detect Mimikatz versions

When LOGTITAN detects unusual activity, like an unusually DLLs loaded for a particular type of attack, it generates an alert. These baselines are also continuously updated to avoid generating an unacceptable number of false positives.

LOGTTIAN utilizes Sysmon Event ID 7

Image loaded:
UtcTime: 2017–04–28 22:45:16.662
ProcessGuid: {a23eae89-c5fa-5903–0000–0010bf439000}
ProcessId: 12536
Image: C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
ImageLoaded: C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll
Hashes: SHA1=B2A2BBCFB69B1F0982C4B82055DAD9BAE4384E4B
Signed: true
Signature: Microsoft Windows
SignatureStatus: Valid

If LOGTITAN detects any attack-type of

· China Chopper

· Mimikatz

· PowerShell Empire

· HUC PacketTransmitter

In LOGTITAN, we could build a baseline of all DLLs executed on all monitored systems over a period of time, and then detect any pattern used by the above attack types.

Detected attack type will be written to “SoftwarePackage” and the process name file will be written to “ServingProcess” field, and “Installoperation” will set to 6

There is also a correlation rule to detect attacks in real-time. LOGTITAN creates alerts and takes action if any attack detected.

Detecting 4 Most Commonly Used Hacking Tools

Figure 2. LOGTITAN Malicious Tools Detection Rule




